Thursday, April 30, 2009


So basically Sam and I, we are professional Cake decorators. We have a cooking class every Thursday so for our last class we decorated cakes. Sam and I found out that we have a knack for it. So we started out with just two little round cakes. Then we stacked them on top of each other and added butter cream frosting

After this part Sam and I had a little trouble helping because the other person in our group wouldn't let us help. But then we added butter cream frosting all over the top and sides. We then evened it all out at made it smooth and pretty!!!

We stuck in the fridge for a while to firm the frosting up. We then play with fondx to make the outside. This was the real fun part. We played in the food coloring and made beautiful colors. We rolled it out then laid it over the top of our cake and smoothed it down. that was lots of fun.

We wanted a polka dot cake so we decided we would be like Ace of Cakes. And make it amazing. So Sam and I took over and we made lots of polka dots in lots of sizes. We started placing them every where and made the cutest cakes in the whole world!
YES!!!!! We did that!!!! We are amazing! I Know! It was lots of fun. We could totally be professional cake decorators and work with Duff on Ace of Cakes.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

This Easter was definitely fun. I came home from school to spend time with my family for Easter. When I got home it was to find the surprise of my mom's side of the family decided to have a little family reunion. It was so much fun to see all my cousins. We spent the weekend up at our cabin near Nutrioso. I got to see my uncle Spencer, who I have not seen in like three or four years. I LOVE my Uncle Spencer. He is the greatest guy ever. We had family pictures to boot. Anyway, the family picture taking was a little crazy as you can imagine. There are 17 grand kids alone. There was snow on the ground outside, so we had to find someplace inside to stack (and I mean literally stack) all the kids. Well, where else besides the stairs. As you can imagine that was an adventure in it self. We only almost fell down the stairs three or four times. Luckily they did it with very minimal crying. AMAZING!!! However then it was our parents turn and well as they are our parents they caused a few problems themselves. O Man it was fun. we then all took pictures on the couch and then we were free. The rest of Saturday afternoon we hung out with cousins and goofed around. As tradition goes with our family there is a skit night and after dinner we were all prepared for it. Daisy sang a song, then Daisy and our cousin Saliza danced ti Hot N Cold. Then Desiray and Cristal( another cousin) did a dance to fergilicious. After that came Amanda. She danced to Low and showed us her "black girl" moves and "model walk". She was a riot. While all this is going on my aunt is getting very drunk. She gets up and dances( like a madwoman) with my cousin. O man i don't think i ever laughed so hard in my life. It was quite a show. After that i came home and watched Bedtime Stories with Kelcie. At 6 we woke up this morning went back to the cabin where the Easter bunny had made a little visit YAY!!! CANDY!!! Then everyone ate breakfast and headed home. O man my family is quite the comedic scene. O YEAH in the midst of all this my uncle brought over a man who is biking across the United States in 9 months and he spent Easter with our psychotic family. He was a really cool guy and if you want to know more about him go to google and type in cycle america saito. Where he has posted his journey so far. Well that is my adventurous weekend. There will be pictures to come soon.


About Me

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Thatcher, Arizona, United States
I am 20 years old. I am in Thatcher, Az going to school full time to become and elementary school teacher.